Archive for 2018

Option Pricing Under Non-Normality

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The Black-Scholes model assumes a normal distribution of returns. However, non-normal skewness and kurtosis are found to contribute significantly to the phenomenon of volatility smile.

Compared with the normal probability density function, the Gram-Charlier model allows for more flexibility because it uses skewness and kurtosis as input parameters. Montgomery Investment Technology provides Online Calculators for option pricing implementing the Gram-Charlier model.

Skewness and kurtosis can be calculated from historical stock prices. Also, the market prices of call and put European options ...

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New BQL Functions for Bloomberg Excel Add-in

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BQL stands for Bloomberg Query Language, which is the language used to perform analytics with and retrieve data from the Bloomberg Database. Recently, Bloomberg has rolled out five new functions to its Excel Add-in that make it possible to use BQL queries in Excel.

• BQL.Query
• BQL.Dates
• BQL.Params
• BQL.Expr

For more information and resources, see our BQL for Excel page and read our primer, Introduction to BQL. Official documentation ...

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