Share-Based Compensation

Employee Stock Options: Tax Loophole or Tax Deduction?

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Much has been said about some of the high profile IPOs in recent years (Zynga, Facebook, Groupon, LinkedIn) questioning whether the tax deduction that the corporations are receiving is justifiable when the companies have a pre-tax income.

Facebook is an excellent example. Pre-tax, they managed to swing to a profit. After income taxes, they are to receive an approximately $500 million refund.

There are a couple of reasons for this situation:

Net Operating Loss carry ...

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Should You Issue ISOs or NQs for Your Employees?

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Equity Compensation is a vehicle for paying employees, directors and other consultants for work they perform for an organization. The most popular form of Equity Compensation is the Employee Stock Option (ESO).

ESOs come in two major forms that companies need to be aware of prior to making grants to their employees through an equity compensation plan. The types of employee stock options are Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) and Non-Qualified Stock Options (NQs).

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