The FinTools XL Excel Add-In integrates seamlessly with Excel, providing pricing of financial instruments including options, exotic options, futures, indices, and bonds.

All of the FinTools XL packages come with professional and detailed templates to jump-start your use of the product and clearly document the available functions and their inputs.

Through an independent audit process, many accounting firms have provided tacit approval and certification of our models and methodologies for pricing options, exotic derivatives and bonds. (See Software Authentication Statement)


OPTIONS XL allows you to value options on stocks, foreign exchange, futures, fixed income securities, indices, commodities and Employee Stock Options (ESOs) using custom functions.Market data from your quote vendor can be automatically passed to the custom functions via Dynamic Data Exchange.

Some of the ways it may be used:

  • Valuing option contracts on various assets including stocks, foreign exchange, futures, fixed income securities, indices and commodities
  • Valuing employee stock options (ESOs) in accordance with ASC 718 (FAS 123R) of the Financial Accounting Standards Board
  • Track portfolio positions in real-time (using DDE link from your quote vendor), including sensitivities such as delta, gamma, theta, vega, rho, psi and lambda
  • Real options for capital budgeting
  • Calculate implied volatility values based on the prices of exchange traded options

OPTIONS XL is ASC 718, ASC 815, ASC 820 and SEC compliant for financial reporting purposes.


EXOTICS XL allows you to value non-standard option and derivative contracts.

The types of contracts that may be valued using EXOTICS XL

  • Average Price and Rate (“Asian”)
  • Barrier (“knockouts and knockins”)
  • Binary
  • Chooser
  • Compound
  • Currency-Translated
  • Lookback
  • Portfolio
  • Rainbow
  • Spread options

Specialty applications and functions can be created on a custom basis to meet your in-house needs.


UTILITY XL provides custom functions and utilities for calculating historical volatilities, volatility skews, futures,
present value of cash flows, expiration dates, and interest rate conversion.

  • Futures Functions to calculate futures price, implied yield, spot price, and forward prices using LIBOR rates.
  • Interest Rate Functions to convert interest rates between different conventions, perform interest rate interpolation, and implied forward rates.
  • Volatility Functions to calculate various forms of stock price volatility and perform volatility analysis.
  • Statistical Functions to perform autocorrelation and normality checks, import stock price data, and conduct additional analyses.
  • Cash Flow Functions, a robust set of cash flow functions designed to handle a variety of financial calculations involving present value and yield of cash flows.


BONDS XL allows you to value fixed income securities.

  • This program provides a complete set of calculations for US and international fixed income traders, portfolio managers and analysts. BONDS XL is Security Industry Association (SIA) compliant.


RISK XL allows you evaluate the risk of financial contracts and investment portfolios.

  • VaR Portfolio Calculations:
  • Delta-Normal Method: Computes VaR using variance and covariance of equities.
  • Beta/RiskMetrics Method: Uses the RiskMetrics statistic and beta values.
  • Historical Data Method: Computes VaR based on historical profit/loss data.
  • Stock-Specific Metrics:
  • Stock Beta: Beta values for each stock relative to a chosen index.
  • Stock Return Rates: Annualized return rates and volatilities for each stock.
  • Variance-Covariance Matrices: Shows the variance and covariance between stocks.
  • Correlation Matrix: Normalized version of the variance-covariance matrix showing correlations between stocks.

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